
I mean, No Bread is Bad! But, we’ll get there… Yesterday I lastly cooked up my 2 year old spaghetti squash. This beast was MASSIVE. I picked it up from TJ’s a while back – additional score since they don’t fee by weight so I picked the most significant one. Moje nejnovější videa Golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills! Více videí 0 seconds of 2 minutes, 19 seconds Další Running suggestion stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak 02:25 Žít 00:00 08:21 02:19 I didn’t even fit in my microwave so I had to cut it in half first! typically I poke holes in it as well as nuke it. Then, cut it when it’s soft. I’ve broke 2 knives as well as almost lost a finger trying to cut squash before! Spaghetti squash with turkey as well as sauce. I love the sauce. And I got this package in the…

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Audio Player 00:00 00:00 00:00 Podcast: Play in new window | Stažení Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS What can you do if you can’t run? I’m sharing a listing of concepts that will keep me hectic while I’m injured (foot pain). All the show notes will be up on as well as make sure to comply with @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for the current updates. thanks for following! Zahřát se: The Run eat Repeat costume contest is BACK!! I’m inviting you to join as well as submit your costume for a possibility to WIN a prize! All the information is right here – Run eat Repeat’s costume Contest  Also – I have a new publish up with my pet dog gear Favorites   

While out and about, I picked up a Dr. Zevia (soda sweetened with stevia). I’ve had these before and loved them, but today it was not good. Podivný. I also chomped on some veggie chips on the way home. Then, I realized I’ve been making this a bigger practice lately. next year ‘not eating in my car’ ought to be a new rule. It’s not a necessity because I’m not that busy. Moje nejnovější videa Jessica Simpson Memoir – Open Book Review Recenze nové knihy Jessica Simpsonové – otevřená kniha. Zpěvačka a podnikatelka rozlijí tajemství a v zákulisí překvapí vše ve své paměti. Recenze The Audible Book – Jessica Simpson to čte sama! Navíc, když získáte zvukovou verzi, existují výhody! Více videí 0 sekund 6 minut, 5 sekund Další Cestovní Jane Recenze 08:01 Žít 00:00 08:21 06:05 Oběd! My third favorite meal of the day (after breakfast and fro-yo). I…

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ahoj! Dnes pracuji s Silk na jogurtovém receptu bez mléka. Pokud se vám líbí oves přes noc, ale nemůžete mít mléčné výrobky, je to vynikající alternativu k využití řeckého jogurtu nebo mléka pro výrobu vločky. Krémová hruška přes noc ovesná recept Složení: Moje nejnovější videa 5 minutové běh zahřívání a Rychlé zahřívání pro běžce. Před během se zahřívá 5 minut. přesně jak se připravit na běh. Tipy, co dělat, než spustíte Více videí 0 sekund 5 minut, 34 sekund Další Marathonský tréninkový den 3. den 00:51 Žít 00:00 08:21 05:34 Hedvábná vanilková mlékárna zdarma jogurt 1/2 šálku rychlého vaření oves 1 hruška, nasekaná 1/4 lžičky skořice 1 lžička chia semen Pokyny: Smíchejte ingredience. Nechte nastavit přes noc nebo alespoň 2 hodiny. Míchejte a také top s ořechy, PB, sušeným ovocem nebo vaše preferované ovesné vločky! Smíchal jsem polovinu nasekané hrušky do oves a také jsem použil zbytek, abych sloužil kolem…

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best when we were about to eat lunch my Nino as well as Nina called as well as invited us to lunch at Sizzler. far be it for me to turn down a salad bar, so I was around that. But, because it was midday as well as Sizzler wasn’t up until 2pm, I needed a snack… I had chickpeas, fruit  tuna with crackers. Random, maybe. Moje nejnovější videa Marathon training Day 6 Marathon training Day 6. Running blog update. Více videí Další Co jím za den – Runner Edition 14:26 Žít 00:00 08:21 01:19 Delicious as well as just what I wanted, yes. After a quick see to my Grams it was Sizzler time! I had the salad bar as well as started with a huge SALAD. I would breakdown the elements of this salad, however I’m not going to insult your intelligence by suggesting you don’t understand what…

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healthy Pumpkin Pie protein Smoothie recipe with canned pumpkin, yogurt as well as pumpkin pie spice. It’s a very simple as well as tasty post-run snack! This Pumpkin Pie protein Shake is a fantastic snack or post-run meal since it’s packed with a great ratio of carbs as well as protein. You ought to objective to refuel with something that’s about a 4 to 1 or 3 to 1 carbohydrate to protein ratio. This includes things like chocolate milk, yogurt, a turkey sandwich, Clif Bars… Moje nejnovější videa Cestovní Jane Recenze Travel Jane portable urinal review. Více videí 0 seconds of 8 minutes, 1 second Další Before We Were Strangers Review 09:42 Žít 00:00 08:21 08:01 Or this smoothie! Pumpkin is truly great for you! But um, why? It’s low in calories as well as packed with vitamins as well as fiber. I utilized vanilla greek yogurt for the protein…

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(Triple T Ala Janae) 1. Dnes jsem musel chodit do práce v poledne na setkání týmu osobních fitness instruktorů. Můj manažer rockuje stejně jako vždy pro nás občerstvení. Občerstvení zlepšují schůzky. Je to věda. Moje nejnovější videa Covid 19 test protilátek Vzal jsem test protilátky CoVID19. Zde je přesně to, jak to šlo stejně dobře jako výsledky! Více videí 0 sekund 5 minut, 19 sekund Další 5 minutové běh zahřívání a 05:34 Žít 00:00 08:21 05:19 2. Nelíbí se mi, že se mi moc líbí Thashy TV. Jsem docela spotřebován skutečnými ženami v domácnosti v Beverly Hills, protože ze všech věcí, které se vyskytly s Taylorovým manželem. Nebyl jsem do tohoto obsazení v minulé sezóně, ale je to všechno tak zmatené a také nešťastné, že stále sleduji. Předpokládám, že jsem také zmatený i nešťastný … No dobře. (zdroj obrázku) *Ach, stejně jako jsem nikdy neviděl setkání z NJ – věřím,…

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Today was my last appointment with my Physical Therapist. Vypískat. I am happy that I am ready to run again, but sad to stop working with her. She definitely someone I would be pals with in real life ? But- my running is not the only reason I won’t be working with her anymore. She’s moving back home to Canada!!! It was very fun to talk with her about moving and vegas and other stuff. thank you Lisanne!!! MY most current VIDEOS Podcast Recaps from Aug 6 And here’s a new video with a quick recap of 3 podcasts I listened to yesterday.  Podcasts Recapped: The drama Club – April 2018 episode about Monica Lewinsky and July 2018 episode about Conan O’Brien and duchess of York Fergie. interesting stuff! The morning toast Podcast – Today’s episode about hot topics including the E! news announcement that the show will be completely…

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I went to bed at 8pm last night as well as slept up until 6am today – assumption I needed sleep! I’m intending to stay on an early routine since I begin mentor the 5:30am boot camp next week as well as don’t want to be a zombie again. I had a speed work run on the routine – 1 mile repeats, however I recognize I requirement to drive to a track or other community to do speed work. I online in a ditch. My location is at the bottom of a few surrounding hilly areas so it’s truly difficult to go speedy. MY most current VIDEOS Marathonský tréninkový den 4 Marathon training Journal day 4 inspect in Více videí 0 seconds of 1 minute, 21 seconds Další Travel Jane Review 08:01 Žít 00:00 08:21 01:21 But, I did hang on to some Florida fast-ness since I busted out 6…

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I was going to do a wordless weekend / silent Saturday post but then I realized I kinda sorta should explain why I have 3 pictures of kale chips. So, here’s a one sentence per picture: I had the most random, but intense craving for kale chips and went to the store for some. Moje nejnovější videa Golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills! Více videí 0 seconds of 2 minutes, 19 seconds Další I got A Covid-19 Test 05:16 Žít 00:00 08:21 02:19 But that didn’t do it all the way, so I made more. Ate the whole batch. Red for the holidays. Going out, get some shoes on. Went for a run… came back for some food… Now I’m chillin’ like Vegas… Question: What are you doing this weekend? Pošlete mi sešit Uložit Sdílení se stará! Podíl tweet Kolík Podíl Pošta Podíl Pokračujte s nimi: dry Shampoo, Gut Health,…

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