Hello! Jak to jde?
Yesterday I was incredibly efficient with running and cleaning and having fun. (Today not-so-much!).
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Face Mask ideas for Running and walking Outside
Face Mask for Running and walking outside during Coronavirus outbreak.
Do you need to wear a mask? What mask is the best for runners and walkers?
Check out my best pick for a mask.
Plus the CDC’s recommendations on when to wear a mask and what kind during the COVID19 outbreak.
Více na ruteatrepeat.com
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0 sekund 7 minut, 15 sekund
Marathonský tréninkový den 3. den
Last night I got ready with drink in hand. It was a disaster waiting to happen. I’m still shocked I didn’t get eyeliner all over my face (something I’ve done sober even).
I got a ton of questions on “What are those turtles in your hair?!?!”
Ha! love that you thought I was drunk enough to mistake reptiles for rollers.
I used my favorite hot rolling system – the top Styler! I used to use a very small pack of travel hot rollers (since I spent half of my time on the road last year) but those finally broke and I started using these and never looked back.
Now it’s time to get ready for a terrific week!
I started my day with a very early wake up call and a very early breakfast. Sunday morning pancakes were a must, but I didn’t want to get too crazy with it so I used my incredibly easy 3 ingredient pancake recipe.
Who’s training for something ideal now? Co??
10K training Week 2
If you’re training for a 10k around Thanksgiving here is week 2:
Question: What is 1 thing you are doing to prep for a terrific week?
Plan your exercise? Meals? stock up on healthy food? call your mom?
Pošlete mi sešit
Sdílení se stará!
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Co jsem dnes jedl deník – Marathon Training Week 4
Co jsem dnes jedl deník – Marathon Training Week 4
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